Road Patrol

The Belmont County Sheriff’s Office Road Patrol is responsible for protecting citizens within the 540 square miles of rural and developed areas that make up Belmont County. Within those 540 square miles, the Belmont County Sheriff’s Office is the primary law enforcement agency for the Ohio Valley Mall, the Ohio Valley Plaza and the majority of hotels in the county. We are not only protecting the citizens of our county but are also responsible for the safety of shoppers and tourist who visit our county. With Interstate 70 running through Belmont County, our agency can never be certain who or where possible criminals or criminal activity may come from.

The Road Patrol is responsible for patrolling the county, responding to 911 calls and calls to the office for assistance, the investigation of private property accidents, executing criminal warrants, conducting traffic enforcement and assisting other local law enforcement units when requested.

Sheriff Lucas considers each and every citizen of this county to have the right to the protection of law enforcement. For this reason, the Belmont County Road Division responds to calls to municipalities and towns that do not have twenty four hour police protection.

The Road Patrol Division is made up of 4 Road Sergeants, and each Sergeant has 4 Road Deputies reporting to them. In addition, there are 3 Road Deputies assigned to Criminal Patrol Interdiction. Lieutenant Tom Devaul heads up the Road Patrol Division and can be reached at

Our Road Patrol is proud of the job that they do and are out there every day, twenty four hours a day protecting the citizens of Belmont County.