Sexually Oriented Offenses by Tier

Tier I

2907.07 Importuning

2907.04 Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor, non-consensual and offender less than 4 years older than victim, not previously convicted of 2907.02, 2907.03, or 2907.04, or former 2907.12 (FSP) [1]

2907.08 Voyeurism

2097.06 Sexual Imposition

2907.05 (A)(1)-(3), (5) Gross Sexual Imposition

2907.323 (A)(3) Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity-oriented Material or Performance

2905.05 (B) Child Enticement with sexual motivation (New under SB10)

2907.32 Pandering Obscenity

2903.211 (A)(3) Menacing by Stalking with sexual motivation (New under SB10)

2905.03 (B) Unlawful Restraint with sexual motivation (New under SB10)

Includes an attempt, complicity or conspiracy to commit any of these offenses

Tier II

2907.21 Compelling Prostitution

2907.321 Pandering Obscenity Involving a Minor

2907.322 Pandering Sexually Oriented Material Involving a Minor

2907.323 (A)(1) and (2) Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity-oriented Material or Performance

2907.04 when offender is at least 4 years older; or when the offender is less than 4 years older and has prior conviction for 2907.02, 2907.03, 2907.04, or former 2907.12 (FSP)

2907.05 (A)(4) Gross Sexual Imposition victim under 13

2919.22 (B)(5) Child Endangering

2905.01 (A)(1)-(3), (5) Kidnapping with sexual Motivation

2905.01 (A)(4) Kidnapping victim over 18

2905.02 (B) Abduction with sexual motivation (new under SB 10)

Any sexual offense that occurs after the offender has been classified as a Tier I offender

Includes an attempt, complicity or conspiracy to commit any of these offenses

Pre-AWA Habitual offenders, unless re-classified after hearing under ORC 2950.031 or 2950.032

Tier III

2907.02 Rape

2907.03 Sexual Battery

2903.01 Aggravated Murder with sexual motivation

2903.02 Murder with sexual motivation

2903.04(A) Unlawful Death or termination of pregnancy as a result of committing or attempt to commit a felony with sexual motivation

2905.01 (A)(4) Kidnapping of minor to engage in sexual activity

2905.01 (B) Kidnapping of minor, not by parent

2907.05 (B) (New section of GSI)

2903.11 Felonious Assault with sexual motivation

Pre-AWA predators unless re-classified after hearing under ORC 2950.031 or 2950.032

Any sexual offense that occurs after the offender is classified as a Tier II or III offender.

Automatic classification after SVP specification 2971.03

Includes an attempt, complicity or conspiracy to commit any of these offenses


Any law from another jurisdiction that is comparable to these offenses shall fall within that same tier.

[1] – This offense should be removed in future.